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Cardiac mouse Schiopu


Inhibition of pro-inflammatory myeloid cell responses by short-termS 100A9 blockade improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Published in Markinkovic et al., European Heart Journal, 2019. Courtesy of Alexandru Schiopu.

T2 weighted image in an experimental stroke model


MEK1/2 inhibition significantly improved cerebral perfusion at day 14 after tMCAO. (A) Representative perfusion plot for U0126- and vehicle-treated animal in caudate putamen. There is a lack of perfusion in the vehicle-treated animal compared to U0126-treated. (B) Graph shows regional CBV in ipsilateral caudate putamen relative to its corresponding region in contralateral side for both U0126- and vehicle-treated animals. Regional CBV was improved in U0126-treated animals compared to vehicle-treated group at day 14 after tMCAO. (C) Representative images for T2-weighted, relative cerebral blood volume map (CBV) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map for vehicle- and U0126-treated animals. Published in Mostajeran et al., Acta Physiologica, 2017. Courtesy of Saema Ansar

The inner ear and diabetes


Contrast enhanced MRI on cochlea of the mouse inner ear in vivo imaging acquired using a Bruker Cryocoil. These kind of images give an estimation of the ratio between the paralymphatic fluid volume and the endolymphatic fluid volume in disease like diabetes and treatment. Published in Degerman et al, Acta Otolaryngol. 2019, Degerman et al., Acta Otolaryngol. 2017, Degerman et al., Hear Res. 2015. More info Courtesy of Eva Degerman



9.4T magnetic resonance imaging parameter mapping using UTE of ex-vivo posterior horns of menisci from subjects with and without knee osteoarthritis (OA) to investigate the relationship between meniscus magnetic resonance (MR) relaxation parameters and meniscus degradation. Top images shows the experimental setup, bottom set shows four T2* maps of a) a medial OA meniscus, b) the lateral meniscus from the same OA patient as in a, c) a medial reference meniscus and d) the lateral meniscus from the same donor as in c. Published in Olsson et al., Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2019. Courtesy of Emma Olsson

ex-vivo human tumor DTI Markus.png


Imaging brain tumour microstructure: Supporting clinical diffusion weighted MRI interpretation by high resolution ex-vivo MRI. Data is acquired from a meningioma sample (top right, colour-coded FA) indicating that the signal behaviour shown in the sequence used for diffusion weighted MRI (left) corresponds to a system of randomly oriented and elongated cells. Published in Nilsson, M, Neuroimage 2018. Courtesy of Markus Nilsson.

Mouse heart MRI


Cardiovascular MRI offers excellent soft tissue differentiation, 4D data acquisition with high spatial and temporal resolution. It allows capturing of the whole cardiac cycle for precise quantification despite high cardiac rates of 300-600 bpm in small rodents. Data from LBIC



In vivo imaging of the mouse brain using a Bruker Cryocoil. Images are acquired using a Turbo Spin Echo sequence using an in-plane resolution of 19 um and a slice thickness of 250 um. Effective echo time 40 ms and repetition time 2500 ms. Data from LBIC.

DCE-MRI in an experimental tumor model mouse


Contrast enhancement in an experimental tumor model reveals heterogeneous uptake of tracer throughout the tumor. Published in Olsson et al. Mol Cancer Ther. 2016>



Infiltrating NS1-Glioma in fixed rat brain imaged using a mouse brain Bruker Cryocoil. T2*-W 3D GRE 25um resolution. Courtesy of Günther Helms, Medical Radiation Physics

Rat brain MR spectroscopy


In vivo neurochemical profile of rat frontal cortex, Published in Cuellar-Baena S, et al. J Neurochem. 2016.



In vivo imaging of neuroblastoma PDXs 3–4 weeks after implantation showing the gross morphology of neuroblastoma tumor. Published in Braekeveldt, et al., Int J Cancer, 2015. Courtesy of Daniel Bexell.